Thursday, 23 July 2015

Notepadqq...Linux source editor -AlternativeTo- Windows Notepad++


Is a Notepad++-like editor for the Linux desktop.

Its still Under development but with great future and simplicity just as it is with Microsoft Windows Notepad++.
Visit Official Website for more info..

It helps developers by providing all you can expect from a general purpose text editor, such as syntax highlighting for more than 100 different languages, code folding, color schemes, file monitoring, multiple selection and much more.
You can search text using the power of regular expressions. You can organize documents side by side. You can use real-time highlighting to find near identifiers in no time.

And it’s free. And open.


-- via terminal(ubuntu distro) by typing;
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:notepadqq-team/notepadqq && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y notepadqq

 -- Hit Enter button when request to confirm ppa addition..


If you so much like simplicity as it in notepad++, this is probably the best shot for you.. this replaces my gedit..

Monday, 20 July 2015

Sublime Idle-Lazy Theme(Color Scheme) for Netbeans for Web Developers

In A Nutshell

Been a while i have been trying out different IDE/Editors, but i hardly find one that quench my thirst.. All of em end up missing one thing or the other and i always find my self running back to Netbeans IDE for PHP majorly because of its features.

You'd wanna ask to know what makes me not stick to Netbeans IDE. its actually because of the Ugly font it has, no other reason. I believe most programmers desires an encouraging environment for coding, not one you'd wake up to see in some morning and feel reluctant to jump into your own coding. So then i came up to make a theme on netbeans pretty much close to what i use on sublime text editor with some extra settings to enhance your coding with less distraction of netbeans warnings/alert.


Goto netbeans menu bar > Tools > options ....
- and at the left bottom corner of the popped up dialog window, click import > locate the .zip file where you downloaded it.
- after successful import(still on the popped up dialog window from step 1)
- Click on fonts and color, then set sublime idle as your default
- have fun afterwards

What it lacks - Some kinda very clear font in sublime, but there are fix for it that i know of on Linux(Ubuntu Distro) which is called anti-aliasing(font smoothing)... But to fix it fairly;

- Locate where netbeans program files are, on your desktop
-- ~/netbeans-x.x.x for linux and should be C:/program_files/netbeans-x or documents/netbeans-x on windows
- Navigate into etc/ folder
- open netbeans.conf with a text editor, look for the line that starts with netbeans_default_options and towards the end of netbeans_default_options value quotes with diff options set separated with comma, between the quotation marks)" add this:

-J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=<OPTION>

<OPTION> can be any of the following:
  • on
  • lcd
  • gasp
  • lcd_hbgr
  • lcd_vrgb 
  • lcd_vbgr

You can play around with each of them to see which best fits your taste.. Have a nice time coding..

NB: Restart netbeans after changes and i recommend you backup your netbeans.conf file before making changes..

Sunday, 19 July 2015

PHP7 versus Facebook HHVM

#PHP7 is right around the corner, and is scheduled to be released before the end of 2015. It runs real world apps up to two times faster than PHP 5.6 and typically faster than #hhvm.

Can’t wait? You don’t have to - Zend is providing nightly builds of the latest source tree you can easily install and play with right here and now!

PHP 7 is right around the corner, and is scheduled to be released before the end of 2015. PHP 7 is the most important development in PHP since 2004, and runs real world apps up to two times faster than PHP 5.6 and typically faster than hhvm.

Click to see the bench marks for PHPx versus HHVM

Zend offers php7 training ..


I kinda love and cant wait to explore the features of PHP7