Monday, 1 June 2015

Advantages of Friendly URL Rewriting

So many Web Developers still stick to the old fashion way of URL Structure where you pass different parameters via the url, example below
 and below is the Friendly URL Structure
and some Friendly URL Structure are in the form below

Now  lets go straight to the point, not so god in blabbing..

Advantages of Friendly URL

  • Protection against SQL Injection (SQLi)
  • Reduce tendecy of Directory Transversal Attack
  • Easy for users to Remember and or Bookmark URL - Coming accross an address like this pasted into a blog or forum, wouldn't feel so reluctant to visit it.
  • Increases SEO - Search Engines try to look for keywords that match with what its user search for in URL which is known to be one of the ways sites are ranked.
I will update this as i get more ideas ... Reading this and you feel i got some thing wrong? Please notify me and i will make corrections


  1. There are obviously a lot of advantage of having a URL friendly seo services Los Angeles. I have seen a lot of people going for this and their business is growing exceedingly well. Keywords and good content play a very important role when it comes to promoting or advertising a business.
